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Can School Vision Screenings Suffice for My Child?

Can School Vision Screenings Suffice for My Child?

As many as 25% of school-age kids have a vision problem that requires correction for them to perform their best at school and in other settings. 

Even more alarming — plenty of pediatric vision problems go undiagnosed, in part because many children don’t complain about those issues and because adults might not notice subtle symptoms their child is experiencing.

Vision screenings at school serve an important function, helping to identify specific vision issues that can interfere with learning. But even though they’re important, these screenings are very limited in the issues they reveal and the evaluation techniques they use.

At ABC Children’s Eye Specialists, our team uses advanced evaluation techniques in comprehensive eye exams designed just for kids at our offices in Phoenix and Mesa, Arizona. Here’s why it’s important to schedule a professional eye exam for your child, even when their school provides screenings. 

Vision screening basics

Most Arizona schools conduct vision screenings for elementary school-age children, although to date, screenings aren’t required by state law. When screenings are conducted, they’re usually overseen by the school nurse or health technician.

School vision screenings focus on eyesight problems that could affect a child’s ability to learn or participate in class. 

These screenings are limited in that they look for a specific set of vision problems, like “lazy eye” or nearsightedness, that could make it hard for a child to follow along in class or read textbooks or homework assignments.

While these evaluations can help identify some basic vision problems, they’re not intended to provide a complete picture of a child’s vision or their eye health. 

Even if your child’s school screening finds no issues, they could still have problems with their eye development or their vision that aren’t evaluated (or discovered) during the screening exam.

The importance of professional eye exams

Vision is a neurological process, and a basic vision screening — while important for kids in school — doesn’t come close to evaluating all of the processes involved in good vision, especially as your child is still growing and developing. 

Professional eye exams include far more comprehensive evaluations of your child’s vision and their eye health. 

During a vision exam at our office, our team reviews your child’s medical history, talks to your child about symptoms that could indicate a vision problem, and performs a series of evaluations, which check their:

In addition, our team provides guidance for you and your child to help them keep their eyes healthy at school, at home, and when they’re out playing with their friends.

Your child’s vision health is our priority

At ABC Children’s Eye Specialists, our sole focus is on pediatric eye health. Our pediatric ophthalmologists have extensive experience in pediatric eye and vision evaluations and in the diagnosis and treatment of vision disorders. 

If it’s been awhile since your child’s last professional eye exam — or if they’ve never had one — now is the perfect time to schedule a comprehensive exam with our team. To schedule your child’s exam, book an appointment online or over the phone today. 

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