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Caring for Your Child's Eyes During Allergy Season

Caring for Your Child's Eyes During Allergy Season

There are lots of reasons for kids to look forward to spring: warmer weather, more time to hang out outdoors, and impending summer vacation, to name a few. 

For children who have eye allergies, however, it’s not all good news: An increase in pollen and spores can result in uncomfortable eye symptoms, like eye redness, itching, and irritation in the eyes or eyelids.

At ABC Children's Eye Specialists, our team understands these challenges. We offer patient-centered treatment to help kids manage eye allergy symptoms so they can enjoy spring weather. If your child is dreading allergy season, here’s what you can do to minimize their symptoms.

Seek treatment right away

Eye allergy symptoms are often similar to symptoms of more serious eye problems, including infections like conjunctivitis and blepharitis

Having our team provide a prompt eye evaluation ensures your child gets the right treatment as soon as possible, providing them with quick, effective symptom relief while also preventing an existing infection from getting worse.

Pay attention to pollen counts

Once we confirm your child’s eye allergy, we help you identify ways to reduce their symptoms. One key way is to check the daily pollen count. On high-pollen days, try to avoid outdoor activities, or “prep” your child with allergy medication ahead of time (according to your pediatrician’s recommendations).

Choose the right shades

Pollen particles are airborne, so it makes sense to limit the number of particles that can reach your child’s eyes. Consider investing in a pair of wraparound sunglasses to reduce allergen contact while you’re protecting your child’s eyes from UV rays, too.

Keep indoor air clean

There’s no way to completely eliminate allergens in your home, but you can reduce their impact.

Keep windows closed when pollen counts are high (or when neighbors are mowing their lawns); change whole-house filters regularly; and use an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter, particularly in playrooms and bedrooms. Vacuum frequently to remove pollen that may be resting on fabrics.

Avoid eye rubbing

Allergies make eyes itchy and irritated, but rubbing them tends to worsen those symptoms — and it could cause tiny corneal scratches, too. Encourage your child to gently wash their eyes with cool water to get rid of pollen particles on their lids and lashes and soothe irritation at the same time.

Use cool compresses

In addition to rinsing the eye area with cool water, applying cool compresses can reduce redness, itching, and irritation. A cloth rinsed in cool water, a frozen bag of peas, or a chilled gel eye mask are all good ways to deliver soothing coolness to your child’s eyes.

Ask about allergy eye drops

Over-the-counter eye drops are another good way to provide relief, but it’s important not to use any eye drops without asking our team first. We can recommend the best eye drops for your child or prescribe stronger options when needed.

Eye allergies are common, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need medical treatment. Without prompt care, your child can suffer unnecessarily, and some habits — like eye rubbing — increase the risk of serious infections. 

If your child has eye allergies or symptoms of eye allergies, call our offices to book an appointment with the team at ABC Children’s Eye Specialists in  Phoenix, Mesa, and Avondale, Arizona, today.

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